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Flight Hacking and how to make it work for you.

Get ready for take off!

Get ready for take off!

Gone are the days of waiting until the day before take-off to grab the last seats on a flight at a discount. With the evolution of the internet the travel industry has seen a lot of innovation, which has been mostly good for travelers. One area that still remains relatively complicated is finding the best deals on flights. As we are always searching for newer and cheaper ways to move around the world, the perpetual search for the best flights can be an exhaustive one. 

Fortunately there is a new and interesting solution: Flightfox

Flightfox allows travelers to actually set up a competition on their site which details the actual flight (ie: New York to Buenos Aires) they are searching for and all other preferences (ie: First Class, No layovers) involved. The ensuing contest invites Flightfox's international base of travel experts and flight hackers to participate in finding the lowest fare. The experts are rewarded by a fee paid by you in the range of about U$S30-U$S60 per flight. The savings can be substantial and the fun had running the contest and reviewing the results has its value as well. 

If you use Prodeo's referral link you can save an additional discount on the associated fee for running a flight contest: Flightfox

Make sure to try it out for your next time visiting us in Buenos Aires!